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Professor Nicholas Perkins

Tutorial Fellow in English

Nick teaches and researches medieval English Literature.

After studying for an undergraduate degree in Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic at Cambridge, he moved into the later medieval period for his graduate research, which centred around the early fifteenth-century bureaucrat, poet and melancholic Thomas Hoccleve. He still works on aspects of Hoccleve’s writing and political literature in the late Middle Ages. Nick’s other research interests include manuscripts and readers of Middle English poetry, the uses that medieval writers made of the Bible, and modern creative responses to the medieval past. Recently, he has been working on gifts, objects and narratives in the medieval period – the subject of his book The gift of narrative in medieval England.

Nick is the curator of a major Bodleian Library exhibition in 2023, called Gifts and Books, and has been working on a number of projects connected to it, including Creative Story Exchange, in collaboration with Oxford Health Arts Partnership.


Nick holds a joint appointment with the Faculty of English, where he is Professor of Medieval Literature. As a Tutorial Fellow at St Hugh’s, Nick teaches English Literature and Language from the early Middle Ages to the sixteenth century. He also teaches aspects of language history and critical theory. He is the recipient of  a Teaching Excellence Award from the University of Oxford.

Selected publications


Tutorial Fellow in English
English Language and Literature
Academic - Fellows & Lecturers