Since its founding gift from Elizabeth Wordsworth, this College has been shaped by philanthropy, rooted in a community that cares for each other and champions all those who want to learn and explore the boundaries of knowledge. This is a place of giving, and our alumni have remained committed to that call.
– Principal, Lady Elish Angiolini LT DBE PC KC FRSE
Will you help us maximise academic impact for our students?
Over the past year, we have engaged in serious reflection on how we can best meet the needs of our students in an environment which has seen significant change. As a result, the College is focusing its efforts on how we maximise the benefits of an Oxford education for our students. With this priority firmly in our sights we are seeking support from the alumni community through this year’s Annual Appeal in three priority areas: academic success, student welfare, and attracting and supporting talented academics.
MAKE A GIFT Give to the annual appeal
Your support helps students like Eloise
“My research trip to Tanzania, to study human-wildlife conflict, not only deepened my understanding of conservation, a topic vital to my degree, but also inspired me to pursue a career working on complex human-wildlife problems. I am extremely grateful for this opportunity which was made possible by the Student Support Fund.” —Eloise Elkington, 3rd year Biology
How can you support your College?
Make a Gift Online
Making a gift online is a quick and secure way for you to support St Hugh’s College. You can make a single donation, by debit or credit card, or help the College plan for the future by making a regular gift.
Make a gift from the UK Make a gift from Canada Make a gift from Switzerland
Make a Gift by Post
If you would prefer to donate by post, simply complete a donation form below and return it to the Development Office.
UK Donation Form International Donation Form Swiss Friends Donation Form
Our address is: Development Office, St Hugh’s College, St Margaret’s Road, Oxford OX2 6LE
Make a Gift by Bank Transfer
If you would like to make a donation by bank transfer our details are the following:
- Bank Account Name: St Hugh’s College
- Bank: Barclays Bank Plc, Oxford City Branch, 54 Cornmarket Street, Oxford OX1 3HS
- Account No.: 10799300
- Sort Code: 20-65-26
- Swift: BARCGB22
- IBAN: GB12 BARC 2065 2610 7993 00
If you have made a donation by bank transfer, please include your name as the reference and it would be wonderful if you could let us know at so we can ensure safe receipt.
UK Gift Aid
Gift Aid increases the value of your gift to the College by 25%. For every £1 you donate to the College, St Hugh’s can reclaim 25p at no extra cost to you. For your gift to qualify for Gift Aid, you must have paid income tax or capital gains tax that is equal to, or more than, the amount of tax that is claimed by each charity you have donated to within the tax year. Simply complete the Gift Aid declaration when making your gift or fill out and return a Gift Aid form here. Should your tax status change, or you wish to update your Gift Aid declaration, please contact the Development Office. Higher-rate taxpayers can claim relief on the difference between basic and higher rate in their annual return. For more information on Gift Aid and claiming such gifts on your tax return, please visit the HRMC website.
Give As You Earn
Give As Your Earn (GAYE), or payroll giving, is a convenient and tax-effective way for employees, non-executive directors and those receiving a company pension to give a regular gift to St Hugh’s directly from your income. The donation is made from your gross salary, before tax has been taken off, so that you receive tax relief immediately on the value of your gift. Please contact your HR department directly to find out more.
You can make a tax-effective gift to St Hugh’s College through Americans for Oxford, Inc., a tax-exempt public charity under Sections 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Please be sure to select St Hugh’s College from the drop down menu.
You can make a tax-effective gift to St Hugh’s via the University of Oxford Development Trust Fund. All funds shall be paid in full to the College. Once your gift has been processed, the University shall transfer all funds, without deduction, to the College. On receipt of your donation, you will receive a receipt for Canadian tax purposes.
The Oxford University Development Trust receives its charitable donation status under Section 3503 of the Canadian Income Tax Act Regulations.
You can make a tax-effective gift to St Hugh’s College through Swiss Friends of Oxford University, an independent association under Swiss law domiciled in Zug, Switzerland. Donate online, or by downloading the Swiss Friends Donation Form. Please make sure to note that you would like your gift to go to St Hugh’s College.
Residents of Germany can make tax-effective donations via the German Friends of Oxford University without incurring any fees. This registered charity is run by Dr Jan Willisch and is authorised to issue donation receipts to German donors, entitling them to offset charitable gifts from their taxable income in Germany. Contact Dr Jan Willisch at Bayernallee 48. D-14052 Berlin,, +49 302 579 75000.
Hong Kong
You can make tax-effective gifts to St Hugh’s via the University of Oxford China Office Limited. This is a registered charity under Section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance. On receipt of your donation, the University will ensure that you are sent a receipt for Hong Kong tax purposes. All funds shall be transferred in full to the College. Donate by downloading the Hong Kong Donation Form. Further information can be found on tax efficient-giving from Hong Kong here.
Annual Appeal 2023: This year the College is focus its efforts on how we enable academic impact for our students and academics in three priority areas: academic success, student welfare, and attracting and supporting talented academics.
The Gardens: The College’s peaceful gardens are a point of pride at St Hugh’s. After a number of years of hard work, our gardens are now 100% organic. We have discontinued the use of non-organic herbicide, pesticide, fungicide and other chemicals which are harmful to people, animals, and the College environment.
The Library:Gifts to the Library help broaden its collection and expand its study space, in order to respond to ever-increasing demands from students and academics, ensuring that every student has access to the best scholarship.
Graduate Scholarship in English: Lack of funding is the overriding reason why those holding an offer from Oxford turn it down. Help us attract and support the best graduate students through endowing a scholarship in English at St Hugh’s.
Graduate Scholarship in History: Lack of funding is the overriding reason why those holding an offer from Oxford turn it down. Help us attract and support the best graduate students through endowing a scholarship in History at St Hugh’s.
Fellows’ Discretionary Research Fund: St Hugh’s nurtures academic aspiration and supports our Fellows’ research by providing vital funding to kick-start ideas and support promising projects. From conference travel, field trips to research internships, the College is keen to help meet the research funding needs of our exceptional academics, particularly those in the earlier stages of their careers.
Luke-Lunn Mathematical Teaching Endowment: In order to retain our outstanding Fellows and to continue to attract world-class students and academics, we must secure teaching posts by endowing them. This endowment will provide a College Fellowship in mathematics in perpetuity.
Jennifer Green Chemistry and Research Teaching Endowment: In order to retain our outstanding Fellows and to continue to attract world-class students and academics, we must secure teaching posts by endowing them. This endowment will provide a College Fellowship in Chemistry in perpetuity.
Ann Smart Law Fellowship Endowment: In order to retain our outstanding Fellows and to continue to attract world-class students and academics, we must secure teaching posts by endowing them. This endowment will provide a College Fellowship in Law in perpetuity.
The regular giving programme, also known as a recurring gift, makes a crucial difference to what we are able to achieve each year. We strongly encourage regular giving as it enables individuals to make a greater impact while helping College allocate resources effectively and efficiently. Regular giving can be set up to be monthly, quarterly, or annually.
Whether you choose to support an area of College life that has particular meaning for you or whether you would like your gift to be used at the discretion of the College for the area of greatest need, we are very grateful for your generosity.
Regular giving can be set up online or through any of our donation forms above.
St Hugh’s would be unrecognisable were it not for the many generous bequests left by alumni and friends of the College. These legacies have contributed to the fabric of the College as we know it, to new buildings, to endowing fellowships or to supporting students in financial difficulty. We are very grateful to all those who remembered St Hugh’s in their will.
Making a legacy to St Hugh’s is a lasting and effective way to support the College. Including a legacy in your will is straightforward and it can be done either at the time you make your will or, if you have already made a will, by adding a Codicil.
1886 Society
Those who notify us of their pledge are recognised as members of the 1886 Society. The 1886 Society is a group of over 230 generous and committed supporters who have pledged a gift in their will to the College. Members receive invitations to attend special events, communications on leaving a legacy, and recognition at the Donors’ Tea (May) and the Donors’ Dinner (February).
For those of you who may be considering leaving a legacy, the Development Team will be delighted to send you a special legacy guide.
Below are some downloadable documents that you might find helpful when preparing your legacy to St Hugh’s. If you wish to discuss legacy giving further, please contact the team.
St Hugh’s College is deeply committed to its donors and remains dedicated to treating friends and supporters with the highest level of care and respect. The donor’s charter has been produced to assure donors and potential donors of the integrity and accountability of St Hugh’s Development Programme.
At the heart of St Hugh’s lies the commitment to academic freedom. The College values and safeguards its autonomy and academic freedom, and does not accept gifts when a condition of such acceptance would compromise these fundamental principles.
Our donors have the following rights:
- To be informed of the way we intend to use donated resources, and of our commitment to use donations effectively for their intended purposes.
- To be kept informed of the impact of their philanthropy and the College’s evolving needs and priorities.
- To have access to the College’s most recent published financial accounts.
- To be informed whether those seeking donations are volunteers or employees of the College.
- To be assured that donors’ rights to privacy will be respected and that there will be full compliance with the Data Protection Act 1998.
- To receive appropriate acknowledgment, recognition, and publicity for their donation in consultation with the donor, and to respect anonymity if requested.
- To receive progress reports on supported activity.
- To be kept informed of the recruitment process and appointment when they have supported an academic post. Please note that donors do not have the right to nominate to nor participate as a member of a search or selection committee.
- In the case of financial support for students, the College will undertake to inform and involve the donor as appropriate on selection.
All donations:
- Will be applied to the purpose for which they were originally intended. The academic priorities of the College will change from time to time and, should this happen, alternative uses for restricted donations will be discussed with the donor or the donor’s representative.
- When undesignated will be used for such purposes as the College judges will best advance its academic priorities.
- Will be acknowledged promptly.
The St Hugh’s Development Office produces an annual Donor Impact Report with the latest Report released in November 2024. We are so thankful for the support from all of our donors. This report gives us a chance to celebrate our donors and the impact their generous gifts can and do have across our community. You can download the 2021-2023 Donor Impact Report here.