The Role of College
The collegiate system is often a central attraction for students choosing to apply to Oxford for graduate study, providing immediate contact with graduate students in other disciplines through the College’s Middle Common Room, as well as opportunities to meet undergraduates and fellows of the College. Members also have access to the College’s facilities, such as a 24-hour library, societies, reasonably priced dining and sports facilities. This page is designed to give you a brief introduction to life at the College, including links to webpages containing further information.
Graduate courses can be both intensive and exacting and it is your college’s role to support you, and facilitate the successful completion of your study. At St Hugh’s we take our students’ welfare very seriously, consequently, in addition to the Academic Supervisor assigned by the department or faculty, every graduate student is allocated a senior member of the College as an Advisor, usually someone who works in a field relevant to their own. Your Advisor will be the first point of contact for pastoral issues, such as personal or financial problems, but they can also offer advice on academic concerns, and must sign off any applications for MCR committee or University society roles.* We also have an extensive welfare support network made up of the College Nurse, the Chaplain, the Senior Tutor, the Academic Registrar and the College Counselor, for more details please see the College’s Welfare Pages.
*While the College will endeavour to maintain the same advisor for the duration of a student’s course, circumstances such as sabbatical or maternity leave may necessitate alternative arrangements.
Financial Support & Aid
Through the generosity of alumni and benefactors, St Hugh’s College is able to offer some support to students facing financial difficulties. The College is well aware that current levels of state support for students, coupled with the difficulties of finding vacation work, can produce a harsh financial environment, and, if you find yourself experiencing unforeseen financial hardship, then we may be able to provide assistance. The College’s Student Support Committee invites applications for this funding each term, and meets in 6th Week to consider applications.
The College also offers travel grants to assist students travelling for conferences and research. Please see the College’s Financial Advice pages for more details.
The Howard Piper Library is one of the largest college libraries in Oxford. The Library is open to all current students and staff of St Hugh’s College, while external readers may be admitted by appointment. In addition to the subject specific collections, the Library also has a large selection of fiction, DVDs and academic journals to browse. The Dickson Poon China Centre Library, housed on the College site, also offers the capacity to order books from the Bodleian closed stacks. The Library is accessible 24 hours per day, and is on key fob access. The Library Office is open Monday-Friday, 9.00am to 12.30pm and 1.00pm to 5.00pm. Please see the Library’s webpage for more information.
T: 01865 274938
The St Hugh’s Chapel exists for all members of the College and is an inclusive community; services are conducted according to the Church of England and everyone is warmly welcomed to attend. The Chapel is open daily for quiet prayer and meditation, with speakers of interest featured each Sunday of term at 6.15pm. Alongside our Chapel, we have a dedicated Multi-faith Prayer and Quiet Room for College members of any religious viewpoint, or none, who desire a separate space for private prayer, meditation, or contemplation. The room is located in the Wolfson Building at the foot of Staircase 3, and is accessible day and night by activated key fob. Please see the Chapel’s webpage for more information. If you have any faith-related domestic requirements, please do let us know.
T: 01865 274955