The main entrance to the site is on St Margaret’s Road with ample car parking adjacent to this entrance (up to two hours) and access for pedestrians via the gate which is open 24 hours a day. The College Lodge is to the immediate left of this entrance and is up two steps through a 770mm door. There is an external bell to summon the Porters. The student pigeonholes are located in a room to the rear of the Lodge.
The entrance to Main Building is directly ahead and is accessible via two curved ramps and central stone steps. There are double entrance doors with each leaf having a clear opening of 770mm. There is an alternative level access into the Mary Gray Allen Wing some 40m west of the Main Entrance. Then once inside the buildings there is level or ramped access to the ground floor of Main Building, Mary Gray Allen Wing, the Library and Wolfson Building.
The Dining Room, Senior Common Room, Bursary, Senior Tutor’s Office, College Administration Offices, Wordsworth Room and other meeting rooms are located on the ground floor of Main Building and are accessible. There is a disabled toilet adjacent to the main toilets within Main Building.
There is an eight person compliant passenger lift within the entrance area of Main Building that provides access to the first and second floors where you will find various seminar rooms, the College Chapel, Music Room, disabled toilet and student accommodation. The Mordan Hall is accessed by a staircase from first floor level and has a separate wheelchair platform lift.
The ground floor of the Library which is situated in the Mary Gray Allen Wing is fully accessible and there is a disabled toilet; access to the first floor of the library is currently unavailable.
Rachel Trickett Building is accessed from the Mary Gray Allen wing. There is a disabled toilet in the foyer and a key operated lift (the Accommodation Officer can provide individuals with a key) giving access to the basement, including the upper College bar, and the majority of ground, first, second and third floor accommodation. There is level access to the main half of the bar from the lift. The rest of the bar and function area is -two steps. In addition there is level access to the basement gym.
The Maplethorpe Building and the Dickson Poon University of Oxford China Centre Building are situated prominently in the centre of the site. They are fully accessible with a key operated lift access to the upper accommodation and basement JCR laundry (Maplethorpe).
Graduates are generally housed within nine Victorian houses around the perimeter of the main campus, all of which can be accessed from the College Grounds, although the majority cannot be accessed via a wheelchair. The ground floor of the MCR in 87 Banbury Road is accessible by wheelchair and provides access to the Common Room, TV Room, Games Room, Computer Room and disabled toilet. Graduates are also housed in the Dickson Poon University of Oxford China Centre Building.
For further guidance on accessibility please visit: St Hugh’s | Access Guide (
St Hugh’s is able to guarantee all undergraduates a room on the College site throughout their degree. All rooms are connected with free access to the internet; while kitchen facilities provide a self-catering option to complement eating in Hall. There is a mixture of accommodation, ranging from bedrooms with no facilities to bedrooms with full en-suite bathrooms.
There are three disabled bedrooms with en-suite facilities within Maplethorpe Building. In addition, there are 22 single ground floor bedrooms, four of which have en-suite facilities within Wolfson and Rachel Trickett Building. There is one accessible bedroom in the Dickson Poon University of Oxford China Centre Building. Further improvements will be provided in the coming years when College’s development plans are implemented.