The Association of Senior Members (ASM) officially changed its name to the St Hugh’s Alumni Association at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) in June 2014.
The St Hugh’s Alumni Association has been in existence since 1926. It is made up of all members of the College, and the Principal and Fellows of the College.
Any person not otherwise qualifying for membership, who has provided distinguished service to the College, or who has a continuing interest in the College, may be elected as an associate member of the Association by the Committee.
Please note that any member of the College who is sent down, or who leaves the College before the completion of studies and does not subsequently return, forfeits their membership of the Association.
The St Hugh’s Alumni Association works alongside the Development Office. Its aim is to promote continuing contact amongst alumni and with College drawing on a shared experience of friendship and scholarly adventure first encountered as students at St Hugh’s.
The St Hugh’s Alumni Association helps to produce the annual Chronicle recording life in College and news of alumni; is involved in the arrangements for the annual Gaudy dinner; and from time-to-time organises colloquia on topics of particular interest to Senior Members. It also runs the National Network which enables alumni to meet one another in their local area. Other projects have included the St Hugh’s College Register 1886-1959, edited by Ann Soutter with Mary Clapinson. Its Annual General Meeting is held each year alongside the Alumni Association Lunch.
The St Hugh’s Alumni Association Committee
A small committee meets regularly to plan these events. The Principal appoints the Governing Body Representative on the Committee. The current President is Samantha Tolley. We welcome ideas from alumni on useful initiatives the Association might take.
The National Network
Zena Sorokopud is the Alumni Association national coordinator. The aim of the network is to create a vibrant, thriving community of alumni who feel connected to College and each other, wherever they live.
Any member of the Alumni Association is most welcome to organise an event in their home or work area and have it publicised to fellow alumni who would be interested.
In the first instance, please contact Zena Sorokopud, who will be delighted to hear from you and offer guidance. Zena can be contacted via the Development Office on
Register Volume 1: Updates
If you would like to make an update to an entry in the College Register Volume 1, please contact the Development Team on or +44 (0)1865 613839. Updates will be included in a pull-out list of Agenda and Corrigenda in the front of any future copies of the Register which are sold or circulated.
St Hugh’s adheres to The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which came into force on 25 May 2018. Full details on our Privacy Notice can be found here.
Alumni Association Key Contacts
The St Hugh’s Alumni Grant Fund (formerly the ASM Bursary Fund)
This Fund is administered by the College Student Support Committee and has grown out of the ASM Charitable Trust. It was originally established 25 years ago to assist alumnae in financial difficulty, but its remit has developed since then.
Now grants are made to those whose personal circumstances have changed, perhaps after a career break to raise a family or to care for someone in ill health, and to assist alumnae/alumni in furthering their studies or developing a new career opportunity. Study grants are not restricted to studies carried out at St Hugh’s but are available to support the costs of / expenses incurred for any academic course or professional qualification and may be used to cover professional examination fees. In recent years, for example, the Fund has made grants to recent graduates to help with the expense of travel for an internship or with the costs of establishing a new career.
All alumni who are eligible members of the St Hugh’s Alumni Association (i.e. full members of the College who have not been sent down and who have not left College before the completion of their studies and not subsequently returned) are welcome to apply, whether they read for an undergraduate degree, a taught master’s programme or a research degree. Alumni who are pursuing postgraduate degrees or further study at other Oxford colleges are eligible to apply, but alumni currently registered for degrees at St Hugh’s are not, unless they are applying for support with projects which will take place after they have completed their course.
Applications are not means-tested in any way but those who are financially comfortable or who are well supported by family are respectfully asked not to apply so that our limited funds can be used for those whose needs are greatest. Grants vary in size but will not usually exceed £750. The Committee will consider awarding larger grants in exceptional circumstances.
To apply for assistance from the Fund, please fill in the simple form (downloadable here) and email it to The Bursary Office: Application deadlines are termly (midday on 1 November / 1 February / 1 May each year).
These grants cannot be made without the generosity of others: the Trust exists solely because of donations made by graduates of St Hugh’s College. If you feel your experience at St Hugh’s gave you the opportunities that have allowed you to make the most of your life, please consider making a donation. A regular gift is much appreciated as it guarantees income, but any donation, however small, is greatly welcome. If you would like to make a donation to the Fund, please contact the Development Team at