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Your application to St Hugh’s College

Many courses require the submission of written work as part of the application. Take the time to read through the University’s guide to Written Work, and check your course page to find out if this applies to you and, if it does, how many pieces of written work you ought to submit.

Your written work should be something that you have produced as part of your normal school or college studies. It should be marked by a teacher.  Each piece of written work should not exceed 2,000 words, and should be scanned in and sent as a PDF document. You must also complete a cover sheet for each piece of work that you submit, which you should include as the first page of the scanned written work document. Each written work upload should be named using the format: FAMILYNAME-ww##.pdf (for example, JONES-ww01.pdf‘ for the first piece of written work, and JONES-ww02.pdf for the second, etc). Download the Written Work Cover Sheet here.

The deadline for receipt of written work is 9am on Friday 10th November 2023. Please use the form below to submit your written work.

For more information about written work, you may wish to consult the University’s website. Should you encounter any difficulties, contact the Admissions Coordinator at

Written Work Submission

Use this form to submit written work as part of your application to St Hugh's College

    Before you submit your written work, please read through the University's Guidelines on what you need to submit, and ensure that you have the correct materials prepared for the subject you are applying for. You can find these guidelines on each of the course pages on the University's website:
  • Please give your surname as it appears on your UCAS application
  • Please give your first name(s) as it appears on your UCAS application
  • Please give the email address you included on your UCAS application; a confirmation email will be sent to this address.
  • Please give us your UCAS ID
  • Please give the title of the course to which you have applied, including the course code (e.g. History V100)
  • Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 128 MB, Max. files: 4.
      Please remember to include a coversheet for each piece of work you upload, and ensure that each piece of work is uploaded as an entire PDF file (rather than as individual pages)
      Please confirm that you have included a coversheet for each piece of work uploaded, uploaded as the first page of each piece of work. Even if you are an independent candidate, please complete the form to the best of your ability.