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20 October 2023

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Alumni Weekend 2023

This year we were delighted to put on a bumper weekend of alumni reunions at St Hugh’s to coincide with Meeting Minds in Oxford, 22-24 September. It was wonderful to welcome so many generations of St Hugh’s alumni back to College for these very special events.

Reunion Lunch: 1957-1959 and 1967-1969

Our celebrations opened on Friday 22 September with the Reunion Lunch for alumnae who matriculated between 1957 and 1959, & 1967 and 1969, hosted by the Principal and the Senior Tutor. Alumnae enjoyed a fabulous tour of the College’s beautiful grounds with Head Gardener, Ed Reid, and a superb lunch provided by the Catering Team. It was particularly special to see several items of treasured memorabilia and written memories laid out at the drinks reception for all to enjoy!

Alumni Association Symposium – ‘Betty and Barbara: “Elect me for what I am, not what I was born”’ with The Rt Hon Theresa May MP (Geography, 1974)

Following the lunch, many alumni joined the St Hugh’s Alumni Association at the Mathematical Institute for their symposium in honour of Betty Boothroyd (Honorary Fellow) and Barbara Castle (Honorary Fellow; Philosophy, Politics & Economics, 1929) as part of the Meeting Minds in Oxford programme. Read alumna Dr Gianetta Corley’s report on the Symposium here. The Principal was delighted to host our distinguished speakers and members of the St Hugh’s community, and their guests, for champagne and canapés in College afterwards.

Reunion Dinner: 1996-1999

The festivities continued on Saturday evening with our Reunion Dinner for alumni who matriculated between 1996 and 1999. Huge thanks to all those who joined us for this special event, with some returning to St Hugh’s for the first time since their graduation!

Jubilee Lunch: 1953 and earlier, 1963 and 1973

Finally, it was a pleasure to welcome back alumnae celebrating 50, 60 and 70 years (and more!) since their matriculation for our Jubilee Lunch on Sunday 24 September. The rain held off long enough for guests to enjoy a fascinating tour of the College grounds (complete with archive photos from across the years) with Custos Hortulorum Professor Jennifer Green (Chemistry, 1960), before drinks, photos and the Jubilee Lunch.

We’re pleased to share a few photo highlights from the weekend here.

The panel for ‘Betty and Barbara: “Elect me for what I am, not what I was born”’

Left-Right: The Revd Dr Margaret Joachim MBE (Geology, 1967); The Rt Hon Theresa May MP (née Brasier, Geography, 1974); Anne Perkins; and Veronica Lowe (President of the St Hugh’s Alumni Association; née Bagley, Modern History, 1969). Photo: Ian Wallman.

Alumnae enjoy a garden tour with Head Gardener, Ed Reid at the Reunion Lunch, 22 September 2023. Photo: Stuart Bebb


Reunion Dinner – 23 September 2023. Photo: Stuart Bebb.

Alumnae from 1973 at the Jubilee Lunch – 24 September 2023. Photo: Stuart Bebb.

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