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Undergraduate Accommodation Fees & Payment

Undergraduates are guaranteed accommodation in College for all years of their first degree. The College allocates rooms to incoming first years, and the JCR runs an annual ballot for students to choose rooms for their second, third and (where relevant) fourth years living in College.

Accommodation for undergraduate students in 2024-2025 will be charged at a fixed cost of £1,770.72 per term or £5,312.16 per year. This will be invoiced termly in your Battels and should be paid by Direct Debit or by bank transfer the Friday before full term commences. You will also be charged a deposit of £250 to cover any damages, which will be refunded at the end of your course, after a final inventory check.

All first-year undergraduates are expected to live in, including mature students or those with Senior Status.


Undergraduates who wish to live outside of College are required to seek permission from their Personal Tutor and from the Senior Tutor. A ‘Living Out’ application form can be requested from the Accommodation Office. The deadline for such applications is the end of 6th Week of Trinity Term. Anyone who lives outside College needs to give their address to the College Office.

Resident students should also inform the Lodge if they will be away from College for more than two consecutive nights.

If you wish to change or swap accommodation at any point, you must get in touch with the Accommodation Manager for permission in advance of any move. Room changes are entirely at the discretion of the College. If you vacate a room in College for any reason (except withdrawal or suspension), you will normally be required to pay rent for the remainder of the year/licence to occupy period, or until the vacated room is reoccupied.

Any queries about accommodation should be raised in the first instance with the Accommodation Manager.