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St Hugh’s College Chapel exists for the whole College, including members of all three common rooms and staff.

The Chapel is an inclusive community, and while broadly Christian, welcomes everyone warmly. Those uncertain about their beliefs will find space without pressure in our services and activities, alongside those whose faith may be deepening.

Those without religious beliefs at all, and members of other faiths, are also very welcome. The Chapel is open daily for quiet prayer and meditation. Speakers of interest to virtually anyone in Oxford are featured each Sunday of term at 6.15pm.

The Reverend Katie Tupling is our Interim College Chaplain. As Chaplain, she is responsible for the life and worship within the Chapel (Main Building) as well as being available to the whole College community for spiritual wellbeing.  Katie has oversight of the College Choir, Choral and Organ Scholars, and Chapel Music Tutor.

Katie’s usual room is 17 MGA ground floor corridor, so if the door is open just knock and come in.  If you would prefer to make an appointment, please send her an email.  Her usual working hours at St Hugh’s are mornings  (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday), and Sunday evenings (Evensong 6.15pm in the Chapel, followed by dinner for attendees of the service).  Occasionally she may have her dog with her, who loves walks!

Being College Chaplain puts one in touch with a wonderful variety of people from many different backgrounds, all with diverse interests and viewpoints on academic and religious matters. This diversity is a hugely stimulating aspect of College life. My hope is that all students and staff at St Hugh’s will see me as a friendly face and potential confidant, always certain to offer a warm reception.

The Reverend Katie Tupling


Chapel events

All members of College, their guests, and the public are welcome at our services of Choral Evensong or Eucharist held each Sunday during Full Term. The Evensong service is in the beautiful Oxford tradition of the Book of Common Prayer with choral responses. Those present are warmly invited to sherry or juice and supper in College following each service.

A term card with The Chapel’s current activities is available here: Hilary Term Chapel Services.

The Chapel Choir

St Hugh’s has an enthusiastic and talented Chapel Choir, drawn from members of all three common rooms. It meets to rehearse every Friday at 5.00pm (4.45pm for tea and cake, followed by a free supper in College for Choir members) and Sunday at 4.30pm.

The Choir sings a wide repertoire of music, and is always open to new members.

Choral Awards

Annual auditions are held in Michaelmas term for six Choral Awards, which a student may hold for the duration of their degree programme.  Please see the Chaplain for an application.

Organ Scholarships

At least one new organ scholarship is granted each academic year. Please see the Chaplain for an application.

 The Organ Scholars and Chapel Music Tutor 2023-24

  • James Hansen (Organ Scholar)
  • Edie Guo (Organ Scholar)
  • Dan Chambers (Chapel Music Tutor and Organist)

At least one new Organ Scholarship is granted each academic year. Please see the Chaplain or Chapel Music Tutor for an application.

 The College Chapel invites our current undergraduate and graduate students to apply for its six Choral Awards this term.
Each comes with a monetary award and professional voice coaching paid for by the College.  Please see the Chaplain for an application.’

Further information

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The Chapel Committee

The Chapel Committee is drawn from all three Common Rooms of the College. It meets termly to consider the life of the Chapel and plan for subsequent terms.

If you are interested in joining the committee please contact the Chaplain for further details.

Charitable Giving

All money collected at Chapel services is donated to a particular charity each term. These charities are selected by the Chaplain and Chapel Committee. Details of each term’s chosen charity are displayed on the Chapel noticeboards.

Previously supported charities include Emmaus, Christian Aid, Oxfam Haiti Disaster Relief Fund, Oxfam International, Mercy Ships International, The Gatehouse Oxford, Sobell House Oxford, and Helen and Douglas House.

Giving to the Chapel

You may wish to give directly to St Hugh’s College Chapel to support the ministry here. The College meets the day-to-day running expenses of the Chapel, but additional funds can help to provide useful resources, and support various Chapel groups.

If you would like to donate to the Chapel Fund you can do so by collecting an envelope available in the Chapel and placing your donation in the collection or in the Chaplain’s pigeonhole in the College Lodge. Any cheques should be made payable to ‘St Hugh’s College Chapel Fund’.

The Chaplain and the Chapel Committee remain grateful for your continued support.

The College's Christian Union

St Hugh’s has an active Christian Union (CU) which aims to be a supporting and welcoming environment for all members of the College.

They meet on Wednesday evenings to read and discuss the Bible, to pray together and to socialise, and also run various events in College throughout the term.

The College’s Union also has links to the wider CU in Oxford (Oxford Inter-Collegiate Christian Union – OICCU) and go to central meetings every other week and a prayer meeting every Monday morning.