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29 August 2017

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Julia Wood Prize Competition, 2017

This year the number of entries to the Julia Wood Prize rose again to a new record total of 275.

The intensity of the competition meant that the judges again felt compelled to divide the available funds, this time equally between three candidates.

They are:  Ned Ashcroft, in the Lower Sixth of St Paul’s School, for his essay entitled ‘What was the significance of the British Radical Movement of the 1790s?’; Jessica Curry, in the Upper Sixth of St Columba’s Senior School, Kilmacolm, for her essay entitled ‘The playboy who brought down the Republic? An assessment of the importance of Clodius Pulcher in the fall of the Roman Republic’; and Felix Stocker, in the Lower Sixth of Eton College, for his essay entitled ‘To what extent did the Carolingian Renaissance innovate beyond Classical culture?’

The winning essays will be published on the College website.

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