Parents’ Formal Hall
Parents, family and friends of St Hugh’s College finalists were welcomed to a special Formal Hall by the College’s Principal, Dame Elish Angiolini, on Saturday 14th May.
More than 100 guests joined the Principal on the warm May evening for Formal Hall. The evening commenced with a Reception on the Terrace, taking the opportunity to drink in the College’s impressive gardens and grounds.
As a number of guests commented, the College’s catering staff truly outdid themselves, once again rising to the occasion in style. Laying on a menu that featured such mouthwatering options as a spiced salmon pavé with honey glaze and lemon beurre blanc, the team excelled, providing the foundations for a splendid event.
The meal was accompanied by bottles of St Hugh’s College’s own Sauvignon Blanc and Cabernet Sauvignon. You can purchase bottles of the College’s wine and champagne, as well as a wide variety of other College items from our shop, which is available online at: