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Dr Alice Violet


Dr Alice Violet grew up and studied in France. She studied at the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon (then known at ENS LSH), where she completed degrees in English, history and linguistics (BA in English and BA in history jointly with Lyon II University ; agrégation externe in English ;  MPhil in English linguistics). She then completed a funded doctorate in contrastive linguistics at Paris IV-Sorbonne University. In 2012, she started teaching at Worcester College, where she held the Besse Senior Scholarship. She became a teaching fellow and Governing Body member of the college in 2017, and in 2019 she started working as a stipendiary lecturer at St Hugh’s and as a non-stipendiary lecturer at Lady Margaret Hall.

Her current role is teaching-oriented, but her background in linguistics informs her teaching practice. Her past research includes work on the semantics of prepositions and determiners, on fixedness in language and on Construction Grammar. She is particularly interested in the interface between grammar and the lexicon, in phraseological approaches to language, and in attitudes towards language.

Before working at Oxford she held four different teaching positions at the University of Cambridge and at Paris IV-Sorbonne University. She currently teaches the following classes to Oxford undergraduates (all years) : translation from English into French ; French grammar ; essay in French ; French summary ; oral practice ; listening comprehension. She also teaches French grammar for the UNIQ summer school.

Selected publications

2017                Les syntagmes prépositionnels spatiaux sans déterminant de type [on N] et [sur N] : proposition d’analyse constructionnelle. In P.Prescod (ed.), Approches plurielles du nom sans déterminant. Bruxelles: Peter Lang.

2017                Les SP à article zéro : des unités phraséologiques mal connues. In F. Grossmann, S. Mejri et I. Sfar (eds.), La phraséologie: sémantique, syntaxe, discours. Paris: Honoré Champion.

2016                [Être prép N]/ [BE prép N] : les effets sémantiques de l’absence de déterminant dans le SP spatial prédicatif, étude de corpus. Linguisticae Investigationes Supplementa 32.

2016               Localisation négative et détermination: du constituant au syntagme et à la construction. Modèles linguistiques XXXVII, vol. 73.

2013                L’article zéro après la préposition en français : une ‘absence’ signifiante : l’exemple des syntagmes prépositionnels spatiaux de type [sous N]. In L. Fesenmeier, A. Grutschus and C. Patzelt (eds.), L’absence au niveau syntagmatique : Fallstudien zum Französischen. Frankfurt : Klostermann.

2012                Le syntagme prépositionnel sans déterminant en français, étude de corpus. In L. Saussure and A. Rihs (eds.), Etudes de sémantique et pragmatique françaises. Bern : Peter Lang.  

2011                [Preposition+noun] sequences in English and the question of fixedness. In B. Pennec and O. Simonin (eds.), Les locutions de l’anglais: emplois et strategies rhétoriques. Perpignan : Presses Universitaires de Perpignan.

Modern Languages
Academic - Fellows & Lecturers