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Professor David Doyle

Tutorial Fellow in the Politics of Latin America


Currently, my research has a number of major overlapping strands, which all broadly revolve around executives, ideology and political economy. I am very interested in how informal capital flows, such as remittances, affect the political preferences and political behaviour of recipients across Latin America, and what this might mean for macro-level policy outcomes and the party system more generally. I am also interested (together with Néstor Castañeda-Angaraita) in the political preferences of informal workers in Latin America, and what these preferences mean for left-leaning governments and their taxation and spending strategies. Together with Christian Arnold and Nina Wiesehomeier, I am involved in a large project examining the revealed position of Latin American presidents in their speeches and the ideological compromise they engage in.


I am an Associate Professor of Latin American Politics in the Department of Politics and International Relations  at the University of Oxford, and a Fellow of St Hugh’s College. I am a member of the Latin American Centre.

Recent Publications:

  • Measuring Legislative Power: An Expert Reweighting of the Fish-Kroenig Parliamentary Powers Index (with Svitlana Chernykh and Tim Power). Forthcoming in Legislative Studies Quarterly.
  • Presidents, Policy Compromise and Legislative Success (with Christian Arnold and Nina Wiesehomeier). Forthcoming in Journal of Politics.
  • Remittances and Social Spending. 2015 Amercian Political Science Review.
  • Maximizing the reliability of cross-national measures of presidential power (with Robert Elgie). 2015. British Journal of Political Science.
  • Profiling the Electorate: Ideology and Attitudes of Right-wing Voters (with Nina Wiesehomeier). 2014. In: Juan Pablo Luna and Cristóbal Rovira-Kaltwasser (eds.), The Resilience of the Latin American Right. John Hopkins University Press.
  • The Political Economy of Policy Volatility in Latin America. 2014. Latin American Politics and Society. Vol. 56, 4, pp. 1-21.
  • Partisanship, Democracy and the Global Market Economy (Review Article). 2014. Government and Opposition. Vol. 49, 4, pp. 703-723.
Tutorial Fellow in the Politics of Latin America
Academic - Fellows & Lecturers