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Professor Ruth Baker

Tutorial Fellow in Mathematical Biology


My research focuses on developing and applying novel mathematical/computational methodologies and modelling frameworks for investigating developmental biology systems at the cell and tissue level. Application of such methodologies should drive biologically realistic models that, used in tandem with experimental investigations, can provide fundamental insights into key biological mechanisms. As such, in developing modelling methodologies it is crucial we respect the restrictions that biology imposes. An important aspect of my work is therefore multidisciplinary collaboration with theoreticians, life scientists and clinicians both within Oxford and further afield.


I joined St Hugh’s in September 2005 as a Junior Research Fellow (JRF) in Mathematics and subsequently became a Tutorial Fellow in Mathematical Biology in 2010. Alongside my JRF, I was also the Research Councils UK (RCUK) Fellow in Mathematical Biology, and have been a University Lecturer since 2010. I was a student at Wadham College, and completed my MMath in 2001 and DPhil in 2005, under the supervision of Professor Philip K Maini. I also spent a year as a Stipendiary Lecturer in Applied Mathematics at St John’s College.


  • Dyson, L; Maini, PK; Baker, RE, ‘Macroscopic limits of individual-based models for motile cell populations with volume exclusion,’ Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys 3.1 (vol. 86), p.031903 (September 2012)
  • Baker, RE; Simpson, MJ; Physica A, ‘Models of collective cell motion for cell populations with different aspect ratio: Diffusion, proliferation and travelling waves,’ Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 14 (vol. 391), pp. 3729-3750 (15 July 2012)
  • Woolley, TE; Baker, RE; Gaffney, EA; Maini, PK, ‘Power spectra methods for a stochastic description of diffusion on deterministically growing domains,’ Phys. Rev. E, vol. 84, p. 021915-021915
  • Murray, PJ; Maini, PK; Baker, RE, ‘The clock and wavefront model revisited,’  Journal of Theoretical Biology, 1 (vol. 283), pp. 227-238 (August 2011)
  • Smith, AM; Baker, RE; Kay, D; Maini, PK, ‘Incorporating chemical signalling factors into cell-based models of growing epithelial tissues,’ Journal of Mathematical Biology, 3 (vol. 65), pp. 441-463 (September 2012)
Tutorial Fellow in Mathematical Biology
Mathematics and Computer Science
Academic - Fellows & Lecturers