Yes, prospective Visiting Students are able to apply to as many colleges as they wish. Please see here for a list of the Colleges in Oxford that accept Visiting Students.
The College does not set a minimum number for Visiting Students in any given academic year, but typically has no more than two in residence.
Visiting Students generally stay for one academic year. Occasionally Visiting Students are accepted for one or two terms. Oxford’s academic year runs from October to June. The autumn term is called Michaelmas, the spring term is called Hilary and the summer term is called Trinity.
You may choose any undergraduate degree that we offer (except Medicine and Fine Art), so long as it is related to your own degree course. Note that we can also offer tuition for individual elements of a joint course such as Politics or Economics if more appropriate for the applicant.
Yes. If you are currently studying a course which relates to more than one discipline taught at St Hugh’s College, then you are able to apply to study more than one subject. If you are studying subjects with different University fees, you will pay the fee that applies to the greater portion of your studies.
The cost of one year of study at St Hugh’s College will be the sum of the University fee for Visiting Students and the College fee. Students will also need to pay for accommodation and maintenance. A list of the University fees for individual courses can be found on the University website. The Visiting Student College fee is the same as the undergraduate College fee for Overseas Students. This rate is the same for all Visiting Students.
If you are here for less than one academic year, you should expect to pay one third of the annual total for each term you are in attendance. If you are studying two subjects with different University fees, the fee you will pay is the fee that applies to the greater portion of your studies.
Yes. Visiting Students will be housed within the College and charged at the same rate as undergraduates. We recommend you budget £2,200 a term to cover living costs (inclusive of accommodation).
Matriculation is a ceremony which confers membership of the University on students. Visiting Students at St Hugh’s do not matriculate, but their name is entered on the University’s Register as a Visiting Student and they are affiliated with the College.
Oxford does not award a degree or any other qualification for study as a Visiting Student, but the College can provide a Visiting Student Academic Transcript.
We require Visiting Students to be of the same standard as those admitted for undergraduate degrees at Oxford. Each candidate is judged on their own merits, and on the basis on the materials provided during the application process including three academic references.
The University is not part of any credit transfer schemes; the College can, however, produce a transcript of the classes you have taken and any weekly essay marks obtained. As a Visiting Student, there is no formally examined work and you will not sit University examinations, though you can be examined by your home institution on material you have studied at Oxford, should they wish.
Yes. This is usually a Tutorial Fellow in a related discipline. Your Personal Tutor will act as a first point of contact on academic and pastoral matters, co-ordinate your teaching, and help to shape your programme of studies to match your interests and to compliment the course at your home institution.
Applications are assessed on a rolling basis when complete and must be submitted by the deadline of 1st March. We aim to have all Visiting Student applications processed by the end of March.
Our English Language requirements are the same as those required by the University, and can be found online. These can be attained after your application is submitted but must be achieved before you take up a place at the University, and any offer to study here would be conditional upon you achieving the necessary level.