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14 February 2023

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St Hugh’s Fellow’s paper receives Outstanding Paper Award at flagship AI conference

A paper, co-authored by Professor Alessandro Abate and DPhil student Joar Skalse, and entitled “Misspecification in Inverse Reinforcement Learning” has been selected as the Outstanding Paper Award at the 37th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-23).

AAAI is the flagship conference in AI organised by the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence. This year AAAI received 8,777 submissions, of which 1,721 were accepted. Among these papers, the program committee selected the awarded paper.

The publication is openly accessible on the arXiv at:

Last year at AAAI-22 Alessandro co-authored an article that was awarded a Distinguished Paper Award, when again only a handful of accepted papers attained this recognition among a cohort of almost 10,000 submissions:

Alessandro is Professor of Verification & Control at the Department of Computer Science, where he is also Deputy Head of Department, and where he leads the Oxford Control & Verification group (OXCAV). Please visit his group’s webpage at:

At St Hugh’s College Alessandro is Fellow and Tutor, and teaches to students reading Computer Science and Maths & Computer Science.


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