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29 November 2023

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St Hugh’s welcomes legators to inaugural 1886 Society Lunch

On Saturday 4 November the Principal was delighted to host the inaugural 1886 Society Lunch for those who have generously remembered St Hugh’s in their Will. We were honoured to be joined by nearly 50 guests for this very special event, which included a champagne reception and a wonderful lunch laid on by our catering team. Over the course of the afternoon, guests had the opportunity to hear from the Principal and the Senior Tutor about the transformative impact of legacy giving to St Hugh’s, and to learn more about recent developments in College and plans for the future. Guests also enjoyed a talk from the 2023/24 Belcher Visiting Fellow in Victorian Studies, Dr Kate Nichols, who gave an insight into her fascinating work towards her book project A Global History of Victorian Painting: Circulations and the Making of British Art.

We look forward to hosting an annual event to celebrate our legators and to welcoming back many more members of our 1886 Society to future events.

Photograph on right taken by Nick Posner.


About the 1886 Society

The 1886 Society honours all those who have generously pledged to leave a gift to the College in their Will. The Society currently has 250 members, ranging from our newest graduands to our most senior members.

Members receive a special swan pin, an annual event to honour and celebrate their pledge, advanced booking to our most popular events, and special recognition throughout the year.

If you have decided to help secure the future of St Hugh’s by leaving a gift in your Will, but have not let us know, please do get in touch with Meghan Mitchell, Regular Giving Manager, at

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