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19 May 2016

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Town & Gown Run 2016

St Hugh’s College took part in the 35th annual Town and Gown 10k run on Sunday 15th May.

A team of 80 students, fellows and staff signed up to take part in the run, which is in support of Muscular Dystrophy UK. This constituted a significant swelling in the College team’s ranks this year. As an increasingly iconic event on the community calendar, it is tremendous to see the advances the College is making in its level of participation for the event. Next year, we will be aiming to up our numbers still further with the intention of being the largest College team participating in the event.

The College team’s participants received a uniquely branded St Hugh’s team running t-shirt with a design based on the College’s swan insignia. The team was made up of participants of all abilities. From runners competing for the win to those who decided to enjoy the day’s festivities and crowds of supporters at a more leisurely pace, St Hugh’s was certainly well represented.

Our best placed runners on the day were Professor Horst Eidenmüller and Dr Damian Jenkins, finishing in 81st and 85th place respectively. Congratulations to everyone who took part and represented the College so magnificently. If you were participating in this year’s Town & Gown 10k, you can find out your time and position here.

If you would like to find out more about Muscular Dystrophy and/or make a donation, please follow the link here to do so.

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