The 2018 Dr Mok Hing Yiu Lecture
On 22 February, we were delighted to welcome The Honourable Mr Justice Robert Tang Kwok-ching, SBS, Permanent Judge of the Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal, as the guest speaker for the 2018 Dr Mok Hing Yiu Lecture, entitled: ‘One Country Two Systems: The Basic Law, Common Law and the Rule of Law’.
The Lecture was held in Mordan Hall and the speaker was joined by an audience of 90, made up of alumni, Fellows, students, neighbours, donors and friends, and their guests.
Justice Tang’s lecture, which gave an insight into the legal system in Hong Kong, was warmly received, with questions taken from members of the audience. Following the question and answer session, Justice Tang and his family enjoyed a celebratory dinner with Dame Elish, Mr Dom Angiolini and special guests, including the sponsors of the Lecture represented by Distinguished Friend of St Hugh’s, Mr Edwin Mok.
The text of Justice Tang’s speech is available here.
The Dr Mok Hing Yiu Memorial Lectureship was founded in 2010 to advance academic thinking and discussion, and is generously supported by the Mok Hing Yiu Charitable Foundation.
Photos: John Cairns