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Student Support Committee

Through the generosity of alumni and benefactors, St Hugh’s College has some funding available for students facing financial difficulties.  College is well aware that current levels of state support for students, coupled with the difficulties of finding vacation work, can produce a harsh financial environment for students, and if you find yourself experiencing unforeseen financial problems, then we may be able to provide assistance.The College’s Student Support Committee invites applications for this funding each term, and meets in 6th week to consider applications received. PGCE students and graduate entry medical students are assessed in the same way as undergraduates, for this purpose.

While the Student Support Committee assesses each case individually, the overarching criteria which must be met before support can be offered are: that you must be facing financial hardship; and that the hardship you’re experiencing must be unforeseen.

If you wish to apply to the Student Support Committee for financial support, you must use the application here.  You must fill in all relevant parts of the form. When you have submitted your application form, please check that you receive an automatic e-mail acknowledgement that your application has been successfully sent and received.  If you do not get this message, please submit the form again or, if problems persist, contact the College Accountant in the Finance Office.

Your form must be submitted no later than Monday of 4th week, and if you can submit it earlier that would be helpful.  The Student Support Committee meets on Wednesday of 6th week.  In the meantime, you will be interviewed by either the Bursar or the College Accountant during 5th week.  When you attend your interview, you will need to bring copies of all your bank and credit card statements, and your written budget.  The purpose of this interview is to prepare your case for presentation to the Committee.  We are often able to answer any queries you may have, and to pre-empt any questions the Committee may have.

When it considers your application, the Committee will normally assume that full use has been made of other potential sources of finance.  For instance, if a parental contribution has been assessed in connection with Tuition Fees, a Maintenance Loan or a Student Loan, the Committee will assume that the contribution has been paid; it will also assume that those eligible for student loans have applied for them.  If this is not the case, you will need to explain why.

Emergency applications can be considered at any time.  Please contact the Bursar or the Senior Accountant if you wish to submit an emergency application.

Appeals procedure

Should a student be dissatisfied with the decision of the College Student Support Committee in relation to the distribution of College Hardship Funds, the following Appeal procedure may be followed.

  1. Discuss the cause of dissatisfaction with the Vice-Principal; if still unresolved
  2. Discuss with the Head of House (The Principal); if still unresolved
  3. Take the case to College Governing Body.