LGBT+ History Month Profiles: Vedika Maheshwari, MCR Equalities Representative

LGBT+ History Month is an opportunity to increase the visibility and awareness of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people, their history, lives and their experiences. During February we are featuring the profiles of MCR and JCR committee members who represent the LGBTQ+ student community at St Hugh’s.
The second of these profiles features Vedika Maheshwari (MSc Film Aesthetics, 2021) who is the MCR’s newly elected Equalities Representative. Vedika said, ‘I’m committed to expanding on St. Hugh’s’ existing reputation for diversity and focussing on listening to and acting in the best interests of the student community, ensuring every individual feels confident that they will be treated with dignity and respect’.
In her role as Equalities Representative, Vedika has highlighted three areas she plans to focus on, the first of which is proactively seeking students’ thoughts and opinions on Equality Dignity And Independence (EDI) issues and communicating with students regarding current initiatives, including positive change. Vedika said, ‘I aim to improve systems to monitor and report data pertinent to student safety – whether through regular surveys, Impact Analysis (IEA) or regular discussion circles’.
Secondly, liaising with the Tutor for Equality, Thomas Cousins, Vedika aims to facilitate and take part in meetings and events (both social and those where students can share experiences and voice concerns) in order to promote equality and diversity.
Explaining the third area she will focus on, Vedika said, ‘ We have specialist staff networks, forums and events which keep our community connected and engaged with diversity issues, and I am keen for students who experience issues with equality or diversity to be fully aware of who they should go to in the first instance, confident in the knowledge that their concerns will be addressed’.
Vedika would welcome any suggestions to improve life for the LGBTQ+ community at St Hugh’s and would encourage anyone who needs help to get in touch with their tutors, College Officers or those involved with student welfare. For more details on who to approach for help with any welfare concerns please click here.