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Serte Donderwinkel

Stipendiary Lecturer


I am interested in the behaviour of large discrete random structures. I have primarily worked on obtaining metric space scaling limits of random graph models. I have proved new universality results for (directed) configuration models.


I am a DPhil student in the probability group in the Department of Statistics, where I am supervised by Prof. Christina Goldschmidt. Moreover, from March 2021 to August 2021, I am based at McGill to work on a joint research project with Prof. Louigi Addario-Berry. Before coming to Oxford, I did Part III of the Mathematics Tripos at the University of Cambridge. I did my undergraduate degree at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands.

I have been a Stipendiary Lecturer at St Hugh’s since 2019. I am a tutor for the prelims courses in pure mathematics.


[1] Universality for the directed configuration model with random degrees: metric space convergence of the strongly connected components at criticality, with Zheneng Xie (2021), preprint, 81pp.

[2] Convergence of the height process of supercritical Galton-Watson forests with an application to the configuration model in the critical window (2021), preprint, 41pp.


Stipendiary Lecturer
Mathematics and Computer Science
Academic - Fellows & Lecturers