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31 March 2015

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The Gladstone Memorial Trust Travel Award winners

Congratulations to undergraduates, Ilari Makela and Jamie Gardiner who have both received Gladstone Memorial Trust Travel Awards.

The Awards are intended to give students in their first or second undergraduate year (or third year of a four year course) at Oxford or Cambridge an opportunity to travel abroad and extend their knowledge of foreign countries. Eight or more Travel Awards of up to £600 are awarded for imaginative travel. Further information can be found on the Gladstone Memorial Trust website and, at Oxford, from Professor George Garnett.

Jamie Gardiner (History) will be travelling by boat, along a very long fjord in Greenland, just shy of the Arctic Circle, and climbing several unnamed and unclimbed mountains. There is some concern about polar bears and Jamie may sleep in the boat for safety.

Ilari Makela will be travelling to a Buddhist monastery in Nepal to engage in mediation. As a student of Philosophy and Psychology, he sees meditation as bridging the two disciplines. He will stay for several weeks, moving on to the highest monastery on the lower slopes of Mount Everest.

All at St Hugh’s are looking forward to hearing updates from Jamie and Ilari on their experiences. Learn more about the Awards and Prizes available at St Hugh’s College.

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