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7 June 2022

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St Hugh’s gardens now 100% organic

Congratulations to our Gardening team who have announced that after a number of years of hard work our gardens are now 100% organic. They have discontinued the use of non-organic herbicide, pesticide, fungicide and other chemicals which are harmful to people, animals and the College environment.

The team has been working towards this for several years, starting with simple approaches such ceasing to water the lawns over the summer months which has helped to reduce damage from insect larvae sand stop the spread of funguses.

They are continually working to improve the biodiversity of the College by introducing new methods of working such as using electric and battery powered machinery to eliminate noise pollution and CO2 emissions; sowing native wildflower meadow seed to attract pollinators, increasing composting of garden waste inhouse to produce mulch; and much more.

You can read more about the team’s work in the Head Gardener’s summer report here.

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