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Academic Support

St Hugh’s is a community brought together primarily by a shared academic purpose, so your membership of the College requires you to maintain a satisfactory academic record. These pages set out the College’s academic expectations and explain the support available to help you as you undertake your studies here.

Please note: the College’s routine form of communication with students is via email and we will use the University email address provided for you (ending You must check this email inbox regularly during term time (at least two or three times a day, including weekends). In an emergency, we may use the personal email address or the phone number(s) that are held on your university record to contact you.

Academic support and personal wellbeing are a priority for the College. The College expects students to work at a high level at all times and to put their academic work first, but we understand that circumstances will arise from time to time which may make this more difficult, and we are keen to support you in such cases. If you find that you are experiencing difficulties related to your academic studies, please talk to your tutor or supervisor or advisor in the first instance or visit our Health & Welfare pages for information about the different types of support available. The Academic Registrar and Senior Tutor are also available to give advice and support.